Learning Exchange

View previous Learning Exchange documents, presentations, and PowerPoints. As well as notes and recordings from monthly meetings. 

Connectee Resources

Connectee Toolkit

See everything learned and discussed at the 2023 Learning Exchange.

Relationship Management

The full PowerPoint for Robyn and Alida's Relationship Management Presentation.

PEI Marketing Presentation - 2023

A great resource for Connectees looking to enhance their networking skills and build their professional networks in your community.

pdf doc
2019 - Learning Exchange Presentation

Download the presentation used for the 2019 Connector Program Learning Exchange.

2018 - Learning Exchange Presentation

Download the Presentation used for the 2018 Connector Program Learning Exchange. 

2017 - Learning Exchange Presentation

Download the Presentation used for the 2017 Connector Program Learning Exchange. 

#HireMeHalifax Presentation

Explore the 2019 Learning Exchange presentation covering the #HireMeHalifax pitch competition and networking event.

Reviewing the Pre-Arrival Program

Notes from the October 14, 2021 Prearrival program discussion.

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Supporting International Students

Notes from the International Student Discussion held on November 18th, 2021

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Discover what other Connector Programs are up to and share your own resources with other communities. With Connector Programs spread across Canada, we welcome collaboration to strengthen our program and networks.