New to the Connector Program? Find resources to help you understand the program and get started as a Coordinator or Manager. Explore sample job descriptions, presentations, networking tools, and more below. 

Program Training

Is this your first time to the Connector Program? Start with this National Connector Program training presentation.

Coordinator Position Description

Review this sample Connector Coordinator Position Description with an overview of the position along with role and responsibilities and qualifications.

Coordinator Workflow Document

Use this sample workflow to go through step-by-step the Connectee and Connector matching process. Find what tasks need to be completed after a match happens.

Business Engagement Toolkit

This Toolkit goes through the whole process of determining which businesses to engage with for your program, and then how to engage, create and manage that relationship to benefit your program.

Connector Support & Retention

Learn how to support and retain Connectors including reaching out to a inactive Connectors, managing difficulties, and updating Connector profiles.

National Connector Program Video

View a short video on the importance of Connectors in our community. Learn more about the role, value and impact of Connectors.

Networking Tools

Find additional tools to share with Connectees and program partners including quick article links, videos, and helpful podcasts.

Sample Budget

This sample Connector Program budget allows you to plug and play your expenditures and ensure accurate tracking. Use it to forecast your program expenses.

Workplan Template

Starting a new Connector Program? Review this Year 1 Workplan to get your community program off the ground with this detailed, high-level plan.

Connector Engagement & Onboarding

An overview of the Connector intake process including information on the program, the impact of referrals, and questions to ensure the right fit.

Explore more Resources

See what other communities are up to

Discover what other Connector Programs are up to and share your own resources with other communities. With Connector Programs spread across Canada, we welcome collaboration to strengthen our program and networks.