Interview Tips

Interview Tips:

PEI Association for Newcomers to Canada


Winnipeg Connector Program Interview Handout

pdf doc
Job Bank: Preparing for an Interview

An employer will often interview several qualified applicants for a job. An interview can be a simple, informal meeting between you and your potential employer, or it can be a formal interview between you and a group of people with set questions. To prepare, learn about interviews according to four steps:

How to prepare for a Job Interview in Canada?

Learn nine essential steps for newcomers to prepare for job interviews in Canada. A little information, access to valuable resources, and some practice can go a long way in helping you feel confident and ready for your first interview.

- by Arrive. For your life in Canada. 

Everything you need to know when preparing for a job interview.

Job interviews don’t have to be so stressful if you practice and prepare. Not sure what that looks like? Check out this collection of articles to learn all the tips and tricks of interviewing like a pro. 

- by The Muse

Body language do’s and don’ts for a job interview

Having the right body language in a job interview does not only make you more understood, it can be the factor that gets you the job. Learn what makes up good body language. 

- by Live & Learn


Develop Stories to tell in Interviews with this toolkit

pdf doc

An extensive guide on how to prepare for an interview