Edmonton, Alberta

Edmonton Region Immigrant Employment Council (ERIEC)


Edmonton Region Immigrant Employment Council
#304, 10209–97 St.
Edmonton, AB T5J 0L6

Primary Contact

Vidya Thamodharan

get to know us

Established in 2008, the Edmonton Region Immigrant Employment Council (ERIEC) is an industry-led, not-for-profit organization dedicated to ensuring immigrants are welcomed and able to participate in the economy to their full potential.

ERIEC has run the Connector Program since 2014 with a small number of matches. The Program was officially launched in 2017 and connects local business and organizations with professional immigrants who want to build a career in Edmonton and grow their business Networks.

Some of our Connectors come from the Government of Alberta and the City of Edmonton, as well as from the banking, non-for profit, IT sector, engineer and food industry, just to name a few. We also work in partnership with various service immigrant agencies who refer us to qualified Connectees. We work together with them to reduce barriers and help International Trained Professionals to integrate into the Canadian labour market.