Q & A Southeastern New Brunswick

Conversation with Marie-Line Morneault and Susy Campos

The National Connector Program is bringing on new communities across Canada all the time, and one of our newest is Southeastern New Brunswick, run by 3+ Economic Development Corporation, who launched their program in the fall of 2022. They are very much looking forward to building the program in their area, which includes Moncton, Sackville, Riverview, Dieppe, and Shediac. We caught up with Marie-Line Morneault, Connector Program Coordinator and Susy Campos, Executive Director of 3+ Economic Development Corporation, not long after the launch of their program, to ask about its implementation and their hopes for the program in their community.


You’ve just launched the Connector Program, and I know we are all so very excited to see how it will adapt to this community. What do you think will be its most important contribution to the region?



It helps with the retention of professional people in our beautiful region. If they, the connectees, see that they can use their talents to their full potential, then there is a higher chance they will stay in Southeastern New Brunswick instead of moving away for another job. It’s also very beneficial for the connectors. With the help of the connector program, they can meet and even hire local talents.



Immigration and population growth. These are key for many things – key for population growth, for employers finding qualified candidates, for retention of youth and international students. We are excited to see the impact once we have the program fully implemented.



It’s wonderful that you already have such a clear idea of how the program will make its mark on your community. What about your organization? How will the Connector Program bring value to 3+?


3+ Corporation takes part in the Southeast Labour Market Partnership – SLMP Council, which takes care of 4 working groups: Attraction, Retention, Talent Development, and Labour Market Information (LMI) and the Connector Program is focused on retention of individuals in our community.


We have a workforce development strategy which we created in 2019. We, along with many communities are having labour market shortages. Employers aren’t finding people to fill their positions. Immigration and retaining recent graduates and international students are key for our workforce development strategy, so this program fits perfectly. It fulfills part of our mandate to assist employers in finding qualified individuals and connecting these individuals to jobs and opportunities in the area.



Sounds like it’s another piece of the puzzle – a perfect fit, as you said Susy. Marie-Line, what drew you to this position, and the Connector Program? What made you want to become a Connector Coordinator?



I’m a people person. Meeting people and hearing their stories is extremely interesting and important to me. I get a new understanding of their point of view of the area. It gives me a pulse on what’s going on here, and if I can help them in any way possible, it’s even better!


We look forward to working with you to help implement the program successfully! Susy – you’ve just launched, but what might you say to other communities looking at the Connector Program?


I think they should do it. I think they’ll see the benefits in population growth and retention, as well as employment needs in their region. The National office provides a lot of support as well as a well-defined program that’s ready to be implemented. So, you have a lot of templates and information. It’s a program you can very easily adapt to your needs.


Thank you both so much for your time. Southeastern New Brunswick is already making progress toward your goals, and I know you’ll meet your targets and positively impact the area!