Demystifying Labour Market Information

November 6, 2024

Feeling overwhelmed? There are so many resources about labour market information and how it is crucial to your job search or how it will help you make better decisions. Yet, knowing what it is, how to use it, and what to make of the numbers and charts can be very overwhelming. So, this month, our […]

How to Build an Intentional Network

October 23, 2024

We’re back again with our bi-weekly blog on intentional networking. This week, we’ll tackle a few tips around how to best accomplish this Spoiler: it takes time, and you shouldn’t expect a strong network overnight! To recap, what do we mean by intentional networking? Think of it as simply building great relationships with a broad […]

5 Reasons to Start Intentional Networking Today

September 25, 2024

The beauty of a strong network, one you intentionally build, are all the things that happen because of who you know. A person can gain so much from relationships. Think about the people you know professionally. Consider how you met and how or why you developed these relationships. Think about what these people have done […]

The Hidden Job Market

September 4, 2024

Looking to better understand networking and what it can do for your career? Presented by the National Connector Program, this blog aims to inform newcomers, employers, and networking enthusiasts about topics related to networking and the job search. The Connector Program is a simple, effective, intentional-networking program. Our team works to support communities running the […]