Heather White Brittain

For Heather White Brittain, making connections goes far beyond helping newcomers find jobs; her mission is to sincerely connect people from all walks of life so that these connections are happy and helpful ones. “I cannot remember a time when I didn’t try to bring people together,” she said.

In her role as Director of Development at the historic Imperial Theatre in Saint John, N.B., she loves to introduce newcomers to the performing arts venue that is part of the regional and national history. She also volunteers in a number of local organizations where she is able to help new Canadians. “What’s happening is we’re developing the culture here in Saint John,” she said. “This is something that I’m committed to, where we can bring people together even when we don’t realize that we’re doing it formally.” Heather, the epitome of the ideal Connector, loves to invite people to her home and workplace, and is thrilled when someone is able to meet others through that commitment to inclusivity and a sincere intention to build relationships through social networks.

“Being a Connector is walking the walk, and not just talking about it,” she said. “Socially, economically, culturally, we will all benefit from growing our population through meaningful Connector activities.”

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