We connect immigrants and local business and service people.


We help build communities through opportunities.


The effectiveness of the Connector Program speaks for itself with over 44 communities across Canada.

Why launch a Connector Community?

The Connector Program has a positive impact wherever it is run, and whoever runs it! Read our blogs to understand how the Connector Program impacts not only the community – but hosting organizations as well.

Celebrating Community Impact

In 2023 the National Connector Program sat down with Coordinators of Connector Programs across the country, as well as leaders of the host organizations. These blogs are the results of those conversations, showcasing how the program creates welcoming communities, increases local networks and organizational connections, helps retain newcomers and creates a positive impact in every community.

Is your community interested in starting a Connector program?

The National Connector Program is always looking to partner with and support Canadian communities and industry associations interested in starting their own Connector Programs. Any type of organization can host the Connector Program, provided a program does not already exist in the community.

The National Connector Program is a turn-key solution to talent retention in communities. National Connector Program staff help to train coordinators, and all the required resources are available for each community to use. For example:


  • Every new community receives on-site training for all staff.
  • Further training is offered by the Program Manager as needed, and group training is available for coordinators across the country


  • Every Community has access to the Member Resources Portal which includes
    • Connectee/Connector toolkits
    • Sample Marketing Materials
    • Recorded workshops and information sessions
    • Sample budgets, coordinator position descriptions
    • Sample event and activity outlines

Tracking System

  • Every community has the oportuntiy to purchase the Tracking System
  • Training is offered on the system
  • A video and written guide exist on the Member Resources Portal

Access to the Community of Practice

  • Monthly calls for training and development
  • Connections to discuss best practices, successes and challenges
  • Annual Learning Exchange in Halifax

Are you ready to start a Connector Community?

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Is the program difficult or expensive to implement?

    This program is a very cost-effective program to run. It works best within an organization that already has resources in place and is business facing. There would be office space, meeting space and other colleagues to support the program. However, this is not absolutely necessary.

    Most of the costs are the labour costs of a coordinator and events. The program can be scaled down to fit the size and capacity of the organization and accordingly a pilot program could be served by a part-time coordinator if the resources and business connections are already in place. Marketing should be professional but can be supplemented with lower cost advertising choices such as Facebook ad campaigns, Google AdWords, or making full use of your partner networks to recruit and advertise information sessions/events.

    We use a proprietary tracking system that is available at a one-time cost, but other free programs could manage the connections if needed.

  2. Why should I consider starting a Connector Program in my community?

    It can be a great complementary program to an existing mentorship or job-readiness program. It can also be an alternative; it is typically easier to implement and often easier to recruit connectors because it is a 'light' ask for 30 minutes of time only a few times a year. Programs such as the Connector Program can engage immigrant-serving organizations and increase the likelihood of expanded partnerships. Lastly, immigrants need connections in order to fully realize their potential and to have a better chance of working in their field. This process contributes to community engagement, inclusive labour market practices, collaboration, cooperation and innovative problem-solving.

  3. What are the benefits for Connectors?

    The Connector Program gives Connectors access to the global marketplace by putting them directly in touch with skilled newcomers. By getting involved, Connectors understand new skills, education, and experience coming into their fields, they help talented people connect with job opportunities, create a more welcoming community, and you help the industry and community grow. Not to mention gaining new contacts, friends, intercultural competencies, and communication skills.

  4. What are the benefits for Connectees?

    We all know networking is important to career development. This program allows newcomers to have a starting point that makes sense for their career growth (it’s intentional!) and helps them connect to those who may be able to open doors to new opportunities.

    Connectees also benefit from enhanced networking skills, a larger local and professional network, a honed job search, information on local businesses and organizations, knowledge of local workplace culture, and confidence!

  5. Who would typically fund this program?

    Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada funds a variety of programs across the country. Other federal and regional programs have funded Connector Programs in the past. Provincial governments, Chambers of Commerce, Economic Development Organizations, also fund the program across the country. Some programs are supplemented by private business sponsorship.

  6. How do I know this will be successful in my community?

    We cannot promise you it will be successful, but we can suggest some determinants. If your organization has a wide array of support in launching the program, they’ll be likely to refer participants to you, offer assistance in connecting people, and offer support to the Connectees and Connectors, therefore, it will likely be a success. If you can ensure your participants follow the three simple steps: Match. Connect. Refer, it will likely be a success.

  7. Who do I contact to start a Connector Program?

    To start a Connector Program in your area, please contact:

    Robyn Webb
    Executive Director – National Connector Program